Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Horn Road Self Storage located?
Our self-storage facility is located at 9973 Horn Road, Sacramento, CA 95827. We’re near Lincoln Highway.

What are your office hours?
You can visit our office anywhere between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm. We want to give you the best customer service, and that starts with our resident property managers. We’re very friendly and willing to go above and beyond to help you, so come by and visit us during office hours.
What are your access hours?
Tenants can get access to their storage units 7 days a week, between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm. Talk about a lucky number!
How far are you from Rancho Cordova?
Great question! Our self-storage facility is less than 3 miles away, meaning you can reach us after a quick 8-minute drive from Rancho Cordova. We’re also convenient to College Greens, Lincoln Village, La Riviera, and other surrounding neighborhoods.
Can I pay my rent online?
Of course! You can make your payments and reserve storage units online for your convenience. Our online reservation system is easy to use, allowing you to set your rental up from home.
What is drive-up access?
Drive-up access means you can park your car or moving van directly in front of your rental for easy loading and unloading. Our ground-level storage units will make moving your items an easy task during your next renting experience!
What type of security do you offer?
At Horn Road Self Storage, you can trust that your belongings are in good hands. Our exceptional service with perimeter fencing, video surveillance, and gated access make us the easy choice for storing your goods.
Where do I start?
You can give our friendly management team a call, for instance. We’ll be happy to find the best self-storage unit for you and answer any questions you may have, so get in touch with us today!

  • Where is Horn Road Self Storage located?
    Our self-storage facility is located at 9973 Horn Road, Sacramento, CA 95827. We’re near Lincoln Highway.

    What are your office hours?
    You can visit our office anywhere between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm. We want to give you the best customer service, and that starts with our resident property managers. We’re very friendly and willing to go above and beyond to help you, so come by and visit us during office hours.
    What are your access hours?
    Tenants can get access to their storage units 7 days a week, between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm. Talk about a lucky number!
    How far are you from Rancho Cordova?
    Great question! Our self-storage facility is less than 3 miles away, meaning you can reach us after a quick 8-minute drive from Rancho Cordova. We’re also convenient to College Greens, Lincoln Village, La Riviera, and other surrounding neighborhoods.
    Can I pay my rent online?
    Of course! You can make your payments and reserve storage units online for your convenience. Our online reservation system is easy to use, allowing you to set your rental up from home.
    What is drive-up access?
    Drive-up access means you can park your car or moving van directly in front of your rental for easy loading and unloading. Our ground-level storage units will make moving your items an easy task during your next renting experience!
    What type of security do you offer?
    At Horn Road Self Storage, you can trust that your belongings are in good hands. Our exceptional service with perimeter fencing, video surveillance, and gated access make us the easy choice for storing your goods.
    Where do I start?
    You can give our friendly management team a call, for instance. We’ll be happy to find the best self-storage unit for you and answer any questions you may have, so get in touch with us today!